Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I think Karma just paid me a visit... or is it called fate?

Anyway- I typed up a post that was mostly soft complaining... then as I was making some edits, everything except one sentence disappeared.. the partial sentence was ".... and I have a lot to be thankful for".

Hello higher power.. Lesson learned!

The work stuff, teenage bullying and drama, visitation stuff, and budgets, house hunting... are minor!

No more complaining! I just need a few days of uninterrupted time to concentrate and get to work... when does that happen???

Monday, March 21, 2011

Almost forgot -

tried synergy enlightened guava Kombucha today! LOVE it -

Monday... and boy was it a not funday!

So happy today is almost over! Main reason is because of everything that started off wrong. The more immediate reason.. because of the damn horse dog who's barking then whining then barking then whining on the patio across the parking lot. UGH!

Today was DD's first full day at daycare! She was a champ, she was amazing. I left w/ a feeling of great satisfaction. Good job me! Miss Nora is going to be a great positive in our future. It was pouring, thundering and lightening this morning which made the commute.. oh so wonderful and NOT easy. However, I love having the extra person in the car for the HOV lanes! xoxoxo

well off to watch some Intervention and then Bethany Ever Afer... ahhh! I'll pay for this tomorrow, but so worth it.
Wishing that damn dog would lose his voice already- geeeze!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday - the day of doing everything NOT on my To-Do List

BINGO - this woman is amzing! Her blog The Happiness Project is also amazing! I'm going to try the Week of Extreme Nice mentioned on GH's website and in this months issue. Check out her video describing her week.

I'm supposed to be doing something totally different than what i'm doing.
I should be looking up the directions to the whole foods store to get some Kombucha. I read about it from a friends (so wish we still worked together) blog Kisses for Breakfast.

And i'm also supposed to be organizing for the upcoming week. Hubby is returning to work after his stint at being a stay at  home daddy-o, the baby start her first week of daycare, (first day of the rest of her life of having something else take up the majoirty of her day.. daycare, then preschool, then school, then work) this day symbolizes so much.. and i'm making it more of a deal than it really is I'm sure. G's part is sort of the same except she'll be getting ready w/ Mark while the baby and I are playing in traffic! woohoo!

Anyway- my to do list is important today and i can't kick my ass into gear!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Starting with the kiddo's

Nola decided it was a nice day for her first walk outside.. almost unassisted. She started out looking outside while Mark had the door open, then she ventured through the door onto the chilly cement. G brought her walk-behind toy outside and she was off and walking. Without help and obviously on a mission she decided to check out the parking lot and sidewalk. In just 9 short months she's grown into such a little scrunchie person! And while all this cuteness is going on, the other DD is growing up and out way too fast! Sisters:-)